Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Driving Rules

Platinum cars
Platinum cars

The Government of UK has set certain rules in order to drive safely. These rules should be kept in mind to avoid any mishaps. Punishment is given to those, who not follow these rules and regulations. Keeping in mind these conditions, Platinum cars hire drivers, who are well trained in this profession. They have established their business in Wokingham where there cars are known as Wokingham cab. People of that area rely on them in-case of any emergencies or even if they want to shop for groceries. Wokingham taxi service is so flexible that it creates a comfort zone for its customer and a customer that hire their car, will always hire their car in case of any need. The reason to that is simple they provide high standard service, which cannot be compromise by the company.

The drivers couldn't drive rash because of the company policies; in addition to that it’s a company policy to not provide any harm to their customer no matter what. It’s good to hear that there are some companies, which are working for their nation.

For driving policies that are structured by the government to its people are as follows:
  • Always drive car on the left side of the road
  • If there is a need of overtaking, do that on the right lane
  • Middle lane should not be blocked, if the inside lane is clear
  • If you’re coming towards a roundabout, give importance to passage coming from the right side, otherwise give indication
  • It is necessary for you to stop at red light of traffic
  • At cross-roads there is no specific general priority rule, the rules are marked at most junctions
  • It is necessary for everyone to follow the road signs and traffic signals
  • It is advised to give a clear way to emergency services vehicles
  • In developed areas, the use of horns is strictly prohibited from 23.30 to 7.00 hours
  • During restricted hours, it is advised to not drive on bus lanes. Do check signs boards regularly
  • It is strictly prohibited to use cell phones while driving. If it is that urgent, make sure to find a safe place to stop and then make your call
  • It is compulsory for driver and the front seat passenger to wear seat belt first. Where rear seat belts have been fitted, they must also be worn
  • The minimum age to drive is of 17

The rules have been developed by UK government and its for your own safety. Drivers make sure to learn and practice rules of driving by heart and FYI the rules to driving are not over yet in next session we will discuss the rules of speed limits, license and tips on parking or more.

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